Fire Safety Consultant (Cantwareburh Fire Safety)

taken from the Old Saxon English name meaning
Kent People’s stronghold…….




(Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans)

Under the current fire safety legislation, Regulatory Reform Order (Fire Safety) 2005, the person (s) having responsibility for the building (the Designated Person) must provide a fire risk assessment. That includes an emergency evacuation plan for all persons likely to be in the premises, including vulnerable people.

Utilising the Equality Act 2010 (formerly Disability Discrimination Act 2005) as the designated person, you have to ensure all people including VULNERABLE (permanent and temporary) and young persons can leave the building safely in the event of a fire. When an employer or service provider does not make that provision it could be interpreted as discrimination. It may also be considered as a violation to comply with the Regulatory Reform Order.

To enable full compliance: fire risk assessments, fire evacuation plans and personal emergency evacuation plans can be obtained, countrywide. 

If you already employ or have future plans to employ vulnerable/young persons and would like a consultation to provide or update a PEEP, then please, just go to the contact us page for more details. 

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